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Short Description
Americans for Congressional Term Limits is a think tank and public policy advocacy group for Congressional term limits.
The Boilerplate Description
Americans for Congressional Term Limits is a strictly non-partisan group focused on research and advocacy related to Congressional term limits, their need, the consequences of their absence, and the means by which they could be applied.
ACTL conducts extensive research and brings together subject matter experts in order to provide authoritative information on Congressional term limits and the Article V amendment process.
ACTL advocates for the calling of convention of the states, led by the federal government, through an interstate compact model as the most likely, most easily attainable, most secure, and most legally defensible means of amending the Constitution and imposing term limits on Congress.
While ACTL accepts that any limit on terms would be beneficial, our stance is that three two-year terms for Members of the House of Representatives and one six-year term for members of the Senate are most conducive to effective change and governance.
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If you have any questions we can help answer about term limits, Article V, or our organization, please feel free to reach out to us.
If you have any questions we can help answer about term limits, Article V, or our organization, please feel free to reach out to us.